Monday, April 8, 2013


I've gone on vacation almost every year with my parents since I can remember. Every year that we go on vacation we always go to Florida. As nice as Florida is, it would be nice to go somewhere else for once. Don't get me wrong, I love Florida, but if I to pick a dream vacation, I would love to go to Aruba.

Aruba just seems like such a beautiful and warm place to be. I love just laying at the beach, relaxing and tanning. Every time that I go to Florida, I'm always doing something constantly. Even if I'm outside, I'm always moving around. I never get to just sit back and relax on the beach. Every time I get back home, no one even thinks I went on vacation because I'm still really white. I would love to go to Aruba and just relax and not have to be constantly doing something. 

Aruba also isn't really that far away. Not that long plane rides bother me at all, but it's still no fun to have to be on a plane for half on the day when you could be relaxing in the sun. It's only a little bit longer of a plane ride than it is to Florida. It also isn't like going across the country where you have to worry about time zone changes. Since it's not that far away, its also no that much more expensive than going to Florida. It's only a hundred dollars more round trip to fly into Aruba versus flying into Florida. The only downside to going to Aruba verses Florida is that you have to go through the hassle of getting a passport if you don't already have one. Other than that, I would love to go to Aruba one day.

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