Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog #3

In comes a point in life where some people are going to enroll in college at some point in their life. This may be the scariest time of your life because you are now finally on your own. You will have to adapt to a new enviornment and handle things your own way now. Becoming a freshman all over again will be difficult. Here are a few tips on how to survive your first year of college.

1. Make sure you visit the campus before you enroll or before the first day

2. Make sure you know what your class schedule before the first the day of school
3. Buy books that are required for your classes *Usually the book store prices are out of pocket so you can look on search engines for low prices*

4. Talk to your roommate via social media/ phone to get to know them a little before moving in.

5. Make sure your finanical aid is all set
6. Make sure you buy everything on your checklist that is needed

7. Explore campus to meet new friends, and find out new things around campus

8. If you are struggling in a class get a class
Here is a little video with extra tips on how you survive your freshman year in college

Staying Organized

Staying organized in college can mean the difference between an A and an F.  All and all proper organization can keep your work from overwhelming you, remind you of due dates, make all your work easier.  Follow some of these easy tips to help stay organized in school.

1) Use An Agenda: Most students have them but do you really use it?  An agenda or "reminder binder" is a great tool to help stay ahead of the game.  Looking through your agenda daily should become a habit and will make sure no due dates sneak up on you.  The agenda is also a great tool to map out when you should get work done to maximize your free time!

2) Use a Whiteboard: A lot of students have a whiteboard in their rooms so why not use it right?  Hung right over your desk, it can be used as an in your face reminder of what you need to get done.  Writing a simple due date over your desk can be a surprising help when you simply forget about some work.  I also use mine to remember passwords and things I left half finished. 

3) Have a Place For Everything:  Mixing old graded papers with new worksheets can really put a wrench your plans.  Making sure you keep papers in separate stacks or drawers can save the confusion of trying to find a rubric, worksheet, or graded test.  

4) Clean, Clean, Clean!: It sounds obvious but going through and throwing out useless papers goes a long way in organization.  A lot of work piles up fast and having a clean workspace can help focus on what you need to get done.  Having a clean workspace can also keep away the stresses college work can bring. 

5) Be Prepared:  Being prepared means having what you need available.  Getting assigned a big project should be no problem because someone who is prepared has all the glue and tape needed.  Having simple things like colored pencils or glue can really save you stress when you need to get something done.  Instead of running around campus asking for a favor you can know you have what you need and get what you need, done.  

Hope I helped y'all keep everything you need for school organized.  Here is a quick video for you visual learners. Also a quick link for 10 tips to staying organized!  Thanks for reading.

Blog #3

One of the most underrated and overlooked things in life that you need to know is how to tie a tie.  Its so easy and important for all guys to know.  I never thought it was easy ever I still don't think that but its something you have to know.  Many jobs require you to wear a tie as well as some special occasions.  Wearing a tie just makes everything look better if you have a job interview and you wear a tie it makes you look professional and it also shows that you care so having on a tie is helpful in many aspects.  Many people mess up the first couple of times then give up and search on the internet.  The most common mistake people make is that the skinny end of the tie is too long.  Here are some easy steps that will help you tie your tie;

1. Drape the tie around your neck. The wide end should extend about 12 inches below the narrow end of the tie. Cross the wide part of the tie over the narrow end.
2. Turn the wide end back underneath the narrow end.
3. Continue wrapping the wide end around the narrow end by bringing it across the front of the narrow end again.
4. Pull the wide end up and through the back of the loop.
5. Hold the front of the tie knot with your index finger and bring the wide end down through the front knot.
6. Tighten the knot carefully to the gills by holding the narrow end N and sliding the knot up. Center the knot.

Its a sad fact that most guys don't know how to tie a tie and that they ask someone or even buy a clip on so hopefully this helps.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Looking Expensive Without Spending More!!

Times are very hard now a days, but the malls doesn’t seem to care! They do have sales, but you don’t save anything because majority of the time after the percentage is taken off, you’re still paying the original price! TOTAL RIP OFF! People pay lots of money to look like this:

when you can go to an inexpensive store and look even better wearing this while saving money:

A lot of people think that in order to get the best, you have to spend the money, which isn’t true in all situations. Also for the guys that have huge feet and don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on shoes like Jordan's, there are always other ways to buy great inexpensive shoes with great quality, which is included in the tips as well. Here are six tips that will help you save money on clothing, shoes, and accessories for both men and women:

Tip 1: Shop online! This is a great way to save money on clothing, shoes, and any other item you want to purchase.

Tip 2: Go to stores like Ross, Marshalls, TJ Max, or Sears and even K-Mart, which is a mini Sears to get all the name brand clothing for cheap! These places always have great deals on clothing and this goes for men too!

Tip 3: For the guys, Vans are great inexpensive shoes that look great with any outfit you put together! Also for women, we can get cute shoes anywhere! The best place for us to me is Charlotte Russe because you buy one and get the other half off! And the 1st pair is already marked down!

Tip 4: For accessories for both men and women, go to Claire’s for the best prices.
Tip 5: The General Store! People look down on the General Store, but don’t count them out because they have incredible stuff!
Tip 6: Target, which is my favorite store and Wal-Mart have beautiful clothes and shoes for every occasion and their even cheaper!

If you follow these rules, I guarantee you that you’ll come out with more money left over in your pockets to buy even more stuff and put gas in your tank! Say good-bye to the overly priced expensive stores and hello to BARGAIN!

How to Succeed in College

You may ask yourself one day how can I succeed in college? Well lucky for you I am here to give you the top five ways you can be successful in college

  •  First way  time management . With time  time management you can set time to do your homework and make time for hanging out with your friends . Therefore, life will be easier for you when you put the correct amount of time into your studies. 
  • Second way is seeing a tutor by meeting up with tutors you can make sure you understand a subject as well as make sure you are doing things correctly  by this you will not have to be stress if you are unable to comprehend a subject. 
  • third is NO PROCRASTINATION   I said this because by not giving yourself enough time to get your homework done you are making your life to be more difficult then it needs to be
  • fourth is talk to your professor  by doing this you can build a close teacher student relationship with your teacher which will allow them to help you more since they have an better understand a to what your  needs is.
  • fifth way is to ask study. If you know that you are going to have a test or exam coming up then you want to study about a week in advance so you can cover all the topics. Test and exam grades are a huge part of your final grade so getting good grades on them will help improve your grade.  
  • Final way is HAVE FUN yes i said it have fun because school is all about learning new things and having fun 

Here you have it the six ways to get good grades!

Tips on how to be a goalie in hockey

Matt White
So you want to become a hockey goalie?  Well there are a few things you need to know before you start.  The game of hockey is a somewhat complicated game as it is; but goalie you have to be kind of nust to get in front of people who can shoot a puck over 80mph.  One thing you need to know before you start is what is the right equipment you to play?  You can go to your local hockey shop and ask for help, they will help you and answer questions that you have.  Secondly you need to go to a clinic or camps to get the proper help and training you need before trying out for a team.  If you are starting off at age 18 it is very hard but not impossible.  You just need to have the determination and willingness to learn.  This will be a tough experience but a fun one at that.  Being a goalie or wanting to be a goalie you must have a screw or two loose it is the craziest position in hockey.  Another thing you need to know is once you have got the proper training and knowledge on the game I would advise you to go to some pick up games or stick time where u can just go on the ice and work on your movement and speed.  You will also meet other goalies there who are either starting out just like you or they have been playing for many years.  You can ask them questions and get there opinions on certain things that can range from postioning skills to equipment.  Learning from people in the same age group as you is easily the best source to learn from, beside professional goalies if you don't have the money to go to their camps.  Lastly just have fun and don't worry about the people who make fun of you and say you suck or you can't skate etc.  They themselves most likely don't even play hockey and are just jealous of you because you have the courage to do something that you are passionate about.  I myself  have been playing hockey for 15 years I became a goalie when I was 7 years old whis was one of the best days of my life.  I wasn't good at all when I first started but I worked hard and practiced everyday to become the best I could be.  So I hope this was helpful and encourages people to follow their dreams not just to become a goalie but in anything you want to do.


Best Tips: How To Impress A Girl

How To Impress A Girl

Most men fail to make a good impression on woman they want to be with simply because they do not know how to impress a girl. They will most likely make an aggressive move to try and win the girl over but do not know whether it will a good move or not. Impressing a girl is said to be an art; the more you master it, the more you will get results coming naturally! Learn to get the girl of your dreams just by being yourself and getting a positive response. These five tips will help you impress a woman. It is all about your attitude and way of interaction that can persuade her to want to see you again. 
Tip 1: "Look well dressed and presentable; neither over-the-top nor too sloppy."

Your appearance plas a crucial part when impressing a woman. It tells us how you live and how you act. A first impression is always the last impression. You want to avoid giving her the feeling that you do not care about anything. 
Tip 2: "Control your speech, and observe silence when needed."
Another way to impress a woman is to let her talk and respond while conversing. Keep in mind that conversation is a two-way communication and is all about contributing together. Also, keep eye-contact while she is talking to you. As for topics of conversation, speak of your dreams and ambitions to let her know you have a purposeful life.
Tip 3: "Do not stare at other girls in front of her."
When impressing a girl, make sure that she is the center of your attention. Nothing is more embarrassing for girls than sitting with men who continuously check out other women around. You will gain her trust and admiration if you are attentive only to her because it makes her think that you truly want her.
Tip 4: " Avoid using a cell phone when pursuing a girl."

Frequently answering your phone calls or even texting will never help you impress a girl. Being constantly on your phone may cause her to think that you have no sincere interest in her. If it is really important, just excuse yourself in a polite manner. 

Tip 5: "Do not be too obsessive." 

You should leave a good impression out of your calm and loving attitude instead of presenting yourself 

as a too strong or obsessive lover. A woman wants to feel comfortable and protected in your company.


The perfect swing

Zach Stearns
In the game of baseball, they have a saying that your best offence is a good defense. Although this is true in many ways, its still very important to have proper mechanics at the plate as a batter. It is for this reason which is why I will tell you how to have a mechanically perfect swing. When you step to the plate, usually most batters will stand with there legs about shoulders length apart or a bit longer. Be sure to bend both legs while balancing the majority of your weight on your back leg. Also, be sure to be on your toes the entire time because this promotes good balance. In terms of holding the bat, you will want to grip the bat loosely, yet you still want to have enough grip to control the bat. Also grip the bat with your seconds knuckles lining up and keep your hands close in towards chest level. In terms of watching the pitcher, you want to keep your head down and eye on the ball. A common mistake in batting is when the batter pulls his head out which leads to them swinging and missing because you can't hit what you can't see. When the pitch is being delivered, try to pick up the ball right as the pitcher is at his highest point of throwing the ball. From here you will want to load your hands backwards and explode your hips open, proceeding to swinging through the zone and keeping the bat level and ideally, hitting the ball on the bat's barrel. When I say explode your hips open, I mean turn your hips/open them toward the pitcher, while pivoting on your back foot. This pivoting on your back foot, you with want to make a bug squishing motion. Also, while swinging, be sure to keep all your weight back. This produces line drives rather than weak ground balls or pop ups. Follow these tips and i'm sure you'll be "roping" the ball like you've never done before. Albert Pujols Power StanceAnalysis of Albert Pujols Swing

Blogger #3

From growing up in the inner city my whole life I've picked up a few things from my surrondings. One of the things is everything revolves around money I know that its not good to associate everything with money, but for me it is just because of how my life is panning out. With that being said what I picked up in the inner city is how to make the easy dollar fast. Although I dont do it selling drugs is one of the easier ways to make money. I have seen alot of people go down this path and its an ugly one although you make this money quick alot of negative things come from it. For example the police can catch onto you, you can get robbed, and violence can come your way. Another way to become really successful is to be really passionate about somwthing you are interested in. If you are really into what your doing than the time will fly by and it will seem as though its not taking as long. Another way of reaching successful really quick is to just be naturally talented at what you do and people will just discover you and you'll be all set. For example NBA players like Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Dwight Howard were so good at basketball in highschool that they didn't even need to go to college. NBA scouts knew of their potential. As you can see, there is always a way out whter it be the wrong way or the right way.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Extend the life of your vehicle

Especially in today's economy, people don't have the extra money to spend on a new vehicle regularly like they used to. In order to get the most out of your vehicle, there are many things that you can do in order to extend your vehicle's life and make sure it runs well. 

1. Make sure to check all fluids regularly: This can be one of the easiest way to lessen your vehicle's life. The most important of all of these in your oil. In order to keep your engine running smoothly and cleanly, be sure to change your oil every couple thousand miles. Be sure to check your owner's manual for the recommended amount of miles and type of oil. Be sure to also check all other fluid levels. Whether it be anti freeze or power steering fluid, there is always a recommended level in order to keep everything running smoothly. In a high millage car, it is also a good idea to flush the brake fluid and transmission fluid every 50,000-100,000 miles depending on the make and condition of the car.

2. Allow your car to warm up: Although allowing your car to warm up for half and hour is excessive, try not to just start up and drive. Cold starts are not only hard on your engine, but also on the environment and your MPG. When you start your car on a colder day, condensation builds up in the exhaust. If you don't allow your car to run and evaporate all of the condensation in your muffler, the condensation can build up and cause a hole to rust in your muffler. 

3. Change or clean your air filter: Changing or cleaning your air filter regularly is very important to extend the life of your car and something many people forget about. Air filters filter all the air entering through your vehicles intake in order to supply your engine with the cleanest air possible. If a filter is old or clogged, the car will lose power and your MPG will drop.

4. Tire and wheel care: An easy way to increase MPG is to make sure your tires are always inflated to the recommended level. This can be found in your owner's manual, door panel or even right on the tires. Another important way to extend your tires life is to rotate your tires every 5000-7000 miles. This makes sure that the tires all wear evenly and should be rotated diagonally meaning front right to rear left. Another way to extend the life of your car is to change your brake pads and rotors every 50,000 miles or when needed. This not only creates less brake dust, but will make sure your car stops when you need to in order to prevent an accident.

5. Clean your car: Possibly the easiest way to extend the life of your car is to wash is regularly, especially if you live in a cold climate where it snows. Road salt, dirt and grime can cause your car to rust quickly if they are left on the car. Even a new car can start to rust after a couple years if it is not kept clean. Not only does this make your vehicle look bad, it can become a big safety hazard if left unchecked. Key components of your vehicle such as your brake lines or muffler can become rusted and even fall off. So make sure to not only clean your car on a regular basis, but also to clean all of it including the underside. 

Nail Design Tips

Girls, do you like to have your nails nicely painted and done? Do you like to try different designs every time you get/do your nails? Want easy and cheap ways to have the hottest nails? This is a blog with 5 tips of 5 different ways to create designs on your nails. The materials that are used are things that are easily found around the house or are easily accessible.
Tip 1: The first tip for a cool and different nail art design is the use of a make-up brush or paint brush. First, apply your solid coat of nail polish. Second, pick two other colors of nail polish and dip the make-up or paint brush in the nail polish. Third, apply the brush to nail and gently run across nail creating a striped design.

Tip 2: The second tip, is the nail design called ombre. This design is created by first, choosing three different color nail polishes. Second, apply the nail polish to a make-up sponge. Third, apply the sponge gently to the nail to create a cute and easy design.

Tip 3: The third tip is one of the easiest ways to help create designs. First, you take a pin of any type. Second, then stick it in the eraser of a pencil. Third, dip the pin in a nail polish and lastly, apply it gently to the nail.

Tip 4: The fourth tip is the application of make-up eye shadow or glitter. To apply this design to you nail you first add the nail polish of your choice and then just throw glitter on your nail. You can also mix the nail polish with the make-up or glitter together and then apply to nail.

Tip 5: The fifth and last tip is to apply tape for different designs. The tape is applied to create designs with more that one color.

These tips are 5 easy ways to create many different designs for a new week. When painting your nails it gets boring paint them one solid color every time, add some spice into you life and try something different. These designs are nice and easy to do. This can save you money because now instead of spending loads of money getting your nails done by a professional for cool designs you can do then yourself. Take these 5 tips and see what designs you can create by yourself you will be surprised how easy and fun it is!

For more nail designs go to

Tips on Skin Care

                    Pinned Image
            Every women and even some men out there want their skin as clean, clear, and healthy
       as possible.  There are so many remodies that can be found on the interenet, in books, and
      passed down through mothers and grandmothers.  Here are some tips on how to keep your
                                skin not only looking healthy, but being healthy.

1. Go to Sleep Earlier Sleeping is the best time to rejuvante your skin.  Sleep deprivations lowers circulation, which causes the skin to look washed out and pale.  At night your body renews the cells. hydrating your skin with nutrients.
2. Always Take Your Make- Up Off No matter how tired, feeling like you cannot keep an eye open for one more second, always take your make- up off!  Leaving it on creates dirt, which seeps into your pores causing the pores to clog, resulting in black heads and pimples.  Leaving make-up on can also cause excessive dry skin.  A good type of make-up remover is a oil-free based cleanser.  It is gentle and wipes away water- proof mascara. 
3. Dont Wait to Moisturize After stepping out of the shower or washing your face, make sure you moisturize while your body and face are still some what damp.  Your skin evaporates the water so to lock in the moisture, you need to moisturize within minutes. 
4. Wear Sunglasses By wearing sunglasses, it prevents undereye wrinkles that can appear in a later moment in your lifetime.  The skin around your eyes are the thinnest skin.  Everytime you blink or squink, you are straining them that much more, so protecting them with sunglasses is a definite must!
5. Water, Water, Water! Drinking water helps remove the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes.  It helps circulate the oxygen through the face and transports nutrient to the cells, which helps with dehydration on the skin. 
6. Don't Touch Your Face Constant touching and picking your face can attract unwanted oils and dirt from your hands to your face.  Picking can also damage the skin.  Even by pushing on a pimple causes inflammation while irratating it.  When trying to squeeze out a black head, you are sometimes more like to push it in further, causing oil glands to burst and creating more trauma to the skin.
7. Exfoliate When you exfoliate daily, it clears out dirt, oil, and dead skin which will shrink the pores and make them appear smaller. 

Beginners Magic

Magic is something that has mesmerized us all since we were little kids. As I began to mature I realized that magic tricks and magicians were all a hoax and felt stupid for ever believing in them. I quickly wanted to learn some tricks for myself so I could take my place in the cycle of corrupting our young. I felt it was my turn to fool my younger friends and family just like my older friends and family had done to me. For anyone who feels the same way as I do I recently came across some helpful tips to use for performing magic tricks. Here are a few steps that every beginner magician should follow:

     1. When performing a trick make what your saying as simple as possible. Others may not know what you are talking about and you can ruin a whole trick just by confusing the crowd. Use vocabulary that you used before you learned the magic and if you feel like your losing your audience try to breakdown what you are doing in better detail.

     2. Don't think that because a magic trick is easy to perform that the         audience will not enjoy it. Even the smallest of tricks can receive the biggest reactions from the crowd. If using too complex of tricks the crowd may easily become confused and lose interest. Remember that you may be knowledgeable in what you are doing but your audience doesn't. 

     3. Practice! Practice! Practice! The most important thing to any magicians success is how much time they are willing to put in to perfect their craft. If a magician is not willing to put in the work he will never achieve greatness. 

Magic tricks, magic shows, and magicians are memories that we will all have from our childhoods. It was when we were free to believe in anything we wanted, when we had no worries or responsibilities. I believe everyone needs to keep these connections to when we were younger. It helps us deal with the real world problems we now all face today. Even the smallest of things can leave a great impact and in life, leaving the thought of something that cannot be explained, existing, is what we should all do. 

blog 3

When things break around the house you don't always have the money to fix it. I'm always broke so I use my reliable back up plan, duct tape. I have duct tape in almost every room in my house. It is extremely reliable and costs a lot less than a serious repair. A while back my shower head broke so it was angled straight down. I'm taller than my shower head so it was a pain trying to take a shower. However, I used duct tape to fix it. I took a long strip and ran it from the ceiling to the top of the shower head. This way I could have it angled however I want. Another good duct tape repair is a lawn mower. Last summer a screw broke on my lawn mower, and of course it was the screw that connected the handle bars to the base. All I had to do was get a little bit of duct tape wrap it around the bar where the screw fell out. The lawn mower is back to normal. Back inside my house I had a fold up chair at my desk. The chair was metal so it was extremely uncomfortable. However, I had a great idea. I took two pillows and duct taped one to the seat part of the chair and one to the back part of the chair. If you have the right kind of pillows you can make the most comfortable chair ever. As far as electronics go, I have a couple more fixes. Whenever one of my power cords break I always just throw some duct tape on there. It's probably not the best idea but it gets the job done. Also, my friend wanted to record his first rap album at my house. I have a microphone but no stand, and no pop filter. What we ended up doing is putting a stack of books on top of a table, putting the microphone on top, and using duct tape to secure the whole thing. We taped the books to make sure they didn’t fall. We taped the microphone to the books to make sure it was secure. Finally, we made a pop filter out of a window screen and a little more duct tape. We cut out a little square from the screen, taped it to a chop stick, and then taped that to the microphone. As horrible as this whole thing sounds, the album did turn out as bad as i thought it was going to be.

cheaper way to travel

Traveling has become a big part of peoples lives, wether it is traveling around the world or traveling to a house in a different state. People drive, fly, take trains, and sail to all different destiniations. the problem with all this traveling is how much it costs, so, who wouldnt want to travel for less?

The seven cheapest ways to travel
1. sleep on peoples couches- go to places where you have friends or family and ask to stay with them on their couch or spair bedroom, this takes away cost of a hotel.
2. Travel in the low season- travel in the summer or a month where people typically dont travel, meaning not during college spring break or lower grades spring breaks.
3.Take a day trip- take a trip to somewhere close but far enough away to get away from whatever it is you want to get away from, like the beach.
4.Vacation with alot of friends- the more people you have the cheaper it becomes to rent a place and buy food.
5.Switch homes- you use a friends house and they use yours.
6. Stay in an all-inclusive- This way you have everything provided for you without extra sots. you know exactly what your paying for.
7. Take a cruise- cruises are usually cheaper ways to see the world and go to warmer weather, they are also all inclusive.

How to wear the perfect style when visiting Puerto Rico Blog #3

When visiting Puerto Rico you need to go with style and be prepared to show your style. I am going to teach you how to wear the perfect clothing and  style for your next vacation. I have lived in Puerto Rico all my life and I know the perfect clothing you should wear when you are hanging out, going to a party or going to the beach.

First Step puertoricans like attractive color for example if you are going to the beach you should find a colorful bathing suit or bikini.

Second Step when wearing your bathing suit make sure you are tanned so people will appreciate the color of your skin.

The third step when vising a beach in Puerto Rico is to be confident in what you are wearing.

Many people come to Puerto Rico wearing different styles but the tip and the styles that I presented to you are the perfect way to visit Puerto Rico and have success in your vacation. For many people is very important to wear a good style of clothing to impress and to always have a good look. We always criticizing other people for what they are wearing and how they look, don't be that person that is getting looked weird and follow my tips.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Droid Razr MAXX Review

Droid Razr MAXX Review

Although many people enjoy the new IPhones, I tend to buy more Androids rather than the IPhone. Therefore, I will be doing a review on the Droid Razr MAXX which I've owned for about a year now. This phone is an upgrade from the original Droid Razr, yet it has much more battery life. Usually when phones have more battery life, they are prone to be much larger in size, yet this phone is vertually unoticeably larger than the original Droid Razr. Motorola states that Droid Razr MAXX owners have 21.5 hours of talk time, or about 8 hours for entertainment purposes with one full charge. (Viewing Videos/playing games)

Ontop of a much longer lasting device, this phone is specifically handy in my case considering its built for clumsy people like me. Due to the fact I drop my phone so much, this is perfect for me because the screen is built with durable gorilla glass and the back is made of Kevlar. Also, this 4G LTE phone (faster than most phones which are 3G) is HD. This makes this phone a wonder for watching videos the same quality as that of most plasma screen TVs they make today. Especially if you own a Netflix account which you can watch a variety of movies when ever you please.

On top of lasting longer, performing faster, and a higher quality screen, the main 8 megapixel camera allows you to shoot 1080p quality HD videos and pictures. This is remarkably noticeable after the first use of the camera compared to the cameras of previous phones you've probably owned. If thats not enough for you, it has also has a front facing camera which allows one to webchat with others. Due to this, I am allowed to skype with family or friends where ever, when ever I want. Skype is just one of the many APPs this phone supports. I am especially fond of the twitter, facebook, and snapchat APPs my phone supports and I am constantly on it when I am not busy. For those who are not IPhone owners and are thinking of getting a new phone, I highly suggest the Droid Razr MAXX. Why spend hundreds on phones just coming out when you can have all the same quality in this very one.

West Hartford Youth Basketball League
-Max Ghamo

The West Hartford Youth Basketball League or WHYBL for short is a non profit sports organization in West Hartford,CT. This is a great organization as it teaches young "superstars" the fun of playing basketball, while at the same times learning many life lessons.

One of the best parts of the league is that all of the coaches are volunteers, which means they are either working fulltime or fulltime students. Which is not only great for kids but also helps the coaches because learn how to deal with difficulties of coaching.

Since the WHYBL goes through the month of December which for some families is a difficult time, the WHYBL food pantrys to help out local families through the cold winter. 

All of the money that is put into the West Hartford Youth Basketball League get put back into the commuinty of West Hartford .

One last thing that the WHYBL did to really help was with the Newtown shooting incident, the sponsor of Three teams in the league (J.T. Ghamo) created T-Shirts with a logo that says "We Will Never Forget". 100% of the proceeds went the Sandy Hook Elementry.

Puerto Rico

My blog Puerto Rico is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. It a small island 100 miles wide and 35 miles in length. Puerto Rico has one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, the weather is just amazing. Many say that in Puerto Rico the weather is really hot and you are always sweating, no the weather is not hot, it's fresh. The food in Puerto Rico is amazing the topical food is a good steamy steak with white rice, beans and tostones. Everyone loves Puerto Rico is the best place to have a vacation you get a nice tan a enjoy the parties. Puerto Rico is also known for always having celebrations and parties, puertorricans fiest for everything. We celebrate so many things in Puerto Rico that having a fiest is like a part of our culture. A difference that we have in Puerto Rico from the US is the drinking age in Puerto Rico is 18 and in the US is 21. The thing that I also see in Puerto Rico and here is the style of the people here all the people are wearing boots and jackets sweatpants etc. in Puerto Rico you only need a bathing suit and you can go anywhere. When we talk about food between the US and Puerto Rico Iam not going to stop talking the food here is horrible compared to the delicious food I eat back home.Here we don't have a diversity in the menu we are always eating the same food: pizza, hamburgers, hot-dogs and fries and I get tired of it. The only bad thing that Puerto Rico has that there is a lot of crime. There are a lot of deaths and different types of crimes that ruins the beauty of the island. If you go to Puerto Rico always try to be in a safe place so you can be relaxed and have the vacation you always dreamed about. Puerto Rico is also known for having such attractive ladies. Puerto Rico has won the Miss Universe award more than 4 times and have made the finals almost every year. One thing that I see here  in the U.S. that I don't see in Puerto Rico is that here people are very nice and friendly while in Puerto Rico they are not even close to nice. Puerto Rico it's just a paradise for vacation.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Madness In Madison Square

     They say Madison Square is the place to showcase your talents and Stephen Curry sure did that. This 24 year old young man stole the show in Madison Square even with Carmelo Anthony scoring 35 points, J.R. Smith hitting 6 3-pointers off the bench, and Tyson Chandler having 28 rebounds. He scored 54 points, making an amazing 11 of 13 three pointers! Although he had a career game, the Golden State Warriors still lost to the New York Knicks 109-105.  He scored only 4 points in the first quarter, then he turned into gear and caught on fire. Curry also had seven assists, six rebounds, and three steals. Stephen was playing so well that he didn’t see the bench the entire game. This game made him one of the now 14 players to score 50 or more points New York.
     This game has made everyone a Stephen Curry fan now, but I believe he deserved this credit a long time ago. He had an amazing college career for the Davidson Wildcats, averaging 28 points per game! Curry was named the Southern Conference “Player of the Year” twice. Also he set the all-time scoring record for Davidson and the Southern Conference. As if that wasn’t enough he also set school records for three-pointers, free throws, and the single season NCAA record for three-pointers. 
     Stephen has always had big shoes to fill and now is starting to make his own. His father Dell Curry played in the NBA from 1986-2002. Dell is the Hornets all-time leader in points (9,839) and three-point field goals made (929). So it’s fair to say that he is used to the hype, he is now showing that he can back it up time and time again with the best. This performance is just the tip of the iceberg for this young emerging superstar. Its only his second year in the league and he is making an uproar. Its going to be great watching him. Now that his name is completely out, he will have to keep up with the expectations he has put on himself and its going to be amazing to watch.
For more comments about this stellar performance you can check out the Washington Post Blog.

iPhone 5 Review


      This past Christmas I received the iPhone 5 as a gift. I will be reviewing this product today. I have used this product everyday since then, so I think I can give a good review about it. The iPhone 5 is a great phone. Obviously it is very similar to the past generations of iPhones, like the 4 and 4S. The biggest difference is the bigger screen on the iPhone 5. It is not a whole lot bigger, but it makes a big difference. Not only is the screen bigger, but also it is also more high definition. So everything on the phone looks a lot crisper and clearer. In addition to the higher definition screen they gave the phone an 8 megapixel camera on the back a 1.2 megapixel front camera. This is a big step up from the iPhone 4, which had a 5 megapixel camera on the back and a 0.3 megapixel front camera. Because of this upgrade the picture quality on the iPhone 5 is incredible compared to the iPhone 4 or 4S. Another feature added to the iPhone 5 camera is the panorama option. This allows you to take wide, landscape pictures.
      Since I upgraded to the iPhone 5 from the iPhone 4, a new feature for me is Siri. Siri allows you to ask questions, such as what the weather is like and where certain places are. You can have Siri do all kinds of things from Googling any question you have to telling you a joke. You can even have her set reminders in your calendar for you. It is a great feature, although sometimes it misunderstands you and doesn’t work too well.
      All in all the iPhone 5 is a pretty great phone and I have loved it since I got it. I haven’t had any problems with it and it gets better with each update. The battery life is great and it is an easy to use phone that is great for anybody of any age.
Panorama taken on my iPhone 5.

Blog 2

iTunes is known by just about everyone in the world.  But to get songs and albums off iTunes you have to pay money.  No one wants to pay money for one song so a solution for that is a number of sources.  Some people use lime wire or frost wire, but an even easier way to download music is to go on a website by the name of  
       This is a easy and free website that I use for mostly all my music. is the easiest online service for converting videos to mp3. You do not need an account, the only thing you need is a YouTube URL. What it allows you to do is copy the url from a you tube video and paste it to the website and it converts it to an MP3.  So for example if I go on you tube and listen to "I will always love you" and want it on my iPhone I just copy and paste the link to the website and it converts it to an MP3 and goes to my iTunes library.  You can use this on any device even on an iPhone.
     I use this simply because it's such an easy process and the best part about it is that its free.  If i used the iTunes store to buy my songs I would of spent about $1,500 just on songs.  Whats the point of that? So im glad I found this site it works really well and had no problems with it at all.  I recommend this to anyone that loves listening to music. 

Jamal Taylor - Blog 2

Galaxy S III
To my knowledge the Samsung Galaxy S III is the hottest phone on the market right now. Some say that the Galaxy 3 is even better than the Apple IPhone 5. The Galaxy 3 has an 8 megapixel camera. It is a very light phone, weighing only 4.69 oz. with a 4.8 screen. It is 4G compatible and runs on an Android 4.0 processor. A unique fact about the S3 is the new screenshot feature. A screenshot is when your phone takes a picture of the screen that is projected on the phone. In the S2 just like the IPhone series in order to take a screenshot you hold the home screen and power button at the same time. Now with the S3 no buttons have to be pressed, you just to wipe your palm across the screen and it screen shots in seconds. Reviews say that this phone is "the phone of the year". In my opinion this might be the biggest phone of the year. I have this phone and I can do everything with it. I can watch movies and videos, send text, make calls, browse the web, listen to music, and open apps. It surfs the web fast no matter what you are looking for. The coolest feature that I think the phone has is Wi-Fi Calling. I have the Galaxy S 3 for T-Mobile and at my school T-Mobile gets no service, so with Wi-Fi calling I can use my phone. I can text and call using the Wi-Fi without having service. This is a great feature to come in handy for those who are stuck somewhere without service but has Wi-Fi in the area. But it might suck if there is no Wi-Fi in the area. This might be the phone of the year and I’m looking forward to more features coming out in the future.