Monday, March 25, 2013

Beginners Magic

Magic is something that has mesmerized us all since we were little kids. As I began to mature I realized that magic tricks and magicians were all a hoax and felt stupid for ever believing in them. I quickly wanted to learn some tricks for myself so I could take my place in the cycle of corrupting our young. I felt it was my turn to fool my younger friends and family just like my older friends and family had done to me. For anyone who feels the same way as I do I recently came across some helpful tips to use for performing magic tricks. Here are a few steps that every beginner magician should follow:

     1. When performing a trick make what your saying as simple as possible. Others may not know what you are talking about and you can ruin a whole trick just by confusing the crowd. Use vocabulary that you used before you learned the magic and if you feel like your losing your audience try to breakdown what you are doing in better detail.

     2. Don't think that because a magic trick is easy to perform that the         audience will not enjoy it. Even the smallest of tricks can receive the biggest reactions from the crowd. If using too complex of tricks the crowd may easily become confused and lose interest. Remember that you may be knowledgeable in what you are doing but your audience doesn't. 

     3. Practice! Practice! Practice! The most important thing to any magicians success is how much time they are willing to put in to perfect their craft. If a magician is not willing to put in the work he will never achieve greatness. 

Magic tricks, magic shows, and magicians are memories that we will all have from our childhoods. It was when we were free to believe in anything we wanted, when we had no worries or responsibilities. I believe everyone needs to keep these connections to when we were younger. It helps us deal with the real world problems we now all face today. Even the smallest of things can leave a great impact and in life, leaving the thought of something that cannot be explained, existing, is what we should all do. 

1 comment:

  1. This was definitely a very interesting article. I remember always being memorized by magic as a kid and even getting my own beginners magic kit when I was very little. Your post definitely gave me flashbacks to when I was a little kid always wondering how they did all those cool tricks. These simple tips would definitely help those who are just starting out and want to give it a try!
