Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Staying Organized

Staying organized in college can mean the difference between an A and an F.  All and all proper organization can keep your work from overwhelming you, remind you of due dates, make all your work easier.  Follow some of these easy tips to help stay organized in school.

1) Use An Agenda: Most students have them but do you really use it?  An agenda or "reminder binder" is a great tool to help stay ahead of the game.  Looking through your agenda daily should become a habit and will make sure no due dates sneak up on you.  The agenda is also a great tool to map out when you should get work done to maximize your free time!

2) Use a Whiteboard: A lot of students have a whiteboard in their rooms so why not use it right?  Hung right over your desk, it can be used as an in your face reminder of what you need to get done.  Writing a simple due date over your desk can be a surprising help when you simply forget about some work.  I also use mine to remember passwords and things I left half finished. 

3) Have a Place For Everything:  Mixing old graded papers with new worksheets can really put a wrench your plans.  Making sure you keep papers in separate stacks or drawers can save the confusion of trying to find a rubric, worksheet, or graded test.  

4) Clean, Clean, Clean!: It sounds obvious but going through and throwing out useless papers goes a long way in organization.  A lot of work piles up fast and having a clean workspace can help focus on what you need to get done.  Having a clean workspace can also keep away the stresses college work can bring. 

5) Be Prepared:  Being prepared means having what you need available.  Getting assigned a big project should be no problem because someone who is prepared has all the glue and tape needed.  Having simple things like colored pencils or glue can really save you stress when you need to get something done.  Instead of running around campus asking for a favor you can know you have what you need and get what you need, done.  

Hope I helped y'all keep everything you need for school organized.  Here is a quick video for you visual learners. Also a quick link for 10 tips to staying organized!  Thanks for reading.

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