Sunday, March 3, 2013

Project Unbreakable

Project Unbreakable is a non-profit organization founded by Grace Brown a 20 year old girl from East Longmeadow, MA. Project unbreakable is geared to help men and women who were raped or sexually abused. Grace photographs people from all over the world. The people email her and ask her to photograph them, tell her their story and then they write it on a white poster board which says what there rapist said to them. Some people chose to show their face and some do not. As a former classmate of Grace Brown I have personally heard her story myself. At 17 she was propositioned by her grandfather. Grace started by photographing her friends that had been raped, photographing these survivors gave her the courage to get photographed herself and to come out with her own story.

One in three women and one in five men will be sexually abused in there lifetime. Fifteen out of sixteen rapists will never spend one day in jail. Follow project unbreakable on tumblr @


  1. This is a beautiful post because it shows that everyone all over the world gets hurt. All shapes and sizes, male or female, black, white, Mexican etc. It can happen to anyone and Unbreakable gives people a plat form to have a voice. A lot of people don’t have anyone to talk to or whenever they do try to speak up, no one believes them. Not only does Unbreakable gives voices to the victims, but it shows them that they are more and bigger than the situation. It shows them that they are beautiful and no one can take that away from them. It also lets people know that it’s okay to talk about things like this because they’re not alone and shouldn’t be embarrassed because like I said they’re all beautiful!

  2. this is an awesome post. if only everyone cared as much as grace to hear the voice of the little people out in the world. it is duch a heartbreaking thought thinking that 15 out of 16 rapist go untouched. Having multiple women in my life it astounds me how truly strong women are. i just wish more people were like Grace and had the strength to speak up about the horrible monstrousity that is rape.
