Sunday, March 3, 2013

Iron Man

Iron Man 3 is the third installment to the Iron Man movie series. It is by far the most anticipated movie for me this up coming summer. The Iron Man series is all about a guy named Tony Stark that is the brilliant son to Howard Stark. His father, founder of Stark Enterprise, was a millionaire and known all over the world during his time from created some of the most high tech weapons and technology. After his death, his son Tony inherited the company and, just like his father, has become a world-wide sensation due to his intelligence, wealth and pure charismatic personality. In the first movie, Tony is kidnapped while on a business trip in the Middle East with the US Military. His captors demand that Tony design a missile for them called the Jericho Missile. Instead, Tony creates the Mark 1 variant of his Iron Man suit in order to escape. Once back in the US, Tony improves on his original design and creates a much more suiting Iron Man suit. In a huge press conference at the end of the first movie, Tony reveals to the public that he Iron Man. During the second movie, Tony goes through a difficult time in his life. As perfect as his life may seem from the outside, he experiences many internal conflicts both physical and mental. Not only does Tony have a life threatening disease that has the potential to kill him if he doesn't find a cure, but this brings Tony to realize his humanity. Growing up rich, powerful and world-known, he never had a chance to think about his humanity. Because of this, Tony has his moments throughout the movie that makes people rethink the fact that this is the man that owns one of the most powerful pieces of technology in the world. Tony eventually finds a cure which turns out to be the result of an unfinished project that his father was unable to complete due to the "technology of his time." He then, with the help of one of his friends in the military, defeats a Russian engineer that attempted to make his own Iron Man suit. The movie ends with Tony being expected into the "Avengers Initiative"  which is the precursor to the "Avengers" movie. Being my favorite movies, I give these movies an excellent rating and can't wait to to see the next one.  IMDb gives Iron Man a 7.9/10 calling Tony the "complete playboy".


  1. I am a big fan of the Iran man series, and think that you do a very nice job describing the movies and what they are about. Also the reviews and including them from The Avengers really help to bring the piece together because he was a big part in that movie and will be when the second avengers movie comes out. The important parts of the movies are being described. The reviews really help because they say what critics think and some people can have the same opinion and read reviews for what movies to see

  2. I am also a huge fan of Iron Man. Iron man movies are the movies that I most like right now. I have seen all of them and can't wait for the third one to come to theaters this summer.I think I Tony Stark in the Avengers is the coolest and most funny guy, he is always doing a lot of jokes and it's my favorite superhero. It's amazing how Tony Stark is also a player with ladies in the movies, he has all the money and fame in the world and always hit on the hottest girls he sees. Your post was a really good descriptions about the movie and Tony Stark. I like how you explained the story of each movie it really seems by your description that you know a lot about the movie.
