Monday, March 25, 2013

Tips on Skin Care

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            Every women and even some men out there want their skin as clean, clear, and healthy
       as possible.  There are so many remodies that can be found on the interenet, in books, and
      passed down through mothers and grandmothers.  Here are some tips on how to keep your
                                skin not only looking healthy, but being healthy.

1. Go to Sleep Earlier Sleeping is the best time to rejuvante your skin.  Sleep deprivations lowers circulation, which causes the skin to look washed out and pale.  At night your body renews the cells. hydrating your skin with nutrients.
2. Always Take Your Make- Up Off No matter how tired, feeling like you cannot keep an eye open for one more second, always take your make- up off!  Leaving it on creates dirt, which seeps into your pores causing the pores to clog, resulting in black heads and pimples.  Leaving make-up on can also cause excessive dry skin.  A good type of make-up remover is a oil-free based cleanser.  It is gentle and wipes away water- proof mascara. 
3. Dont Wait to Moisturize After stepping out of the shower or washing your face, make sure you moisturize while your body and face are still some what damp.  Your skin evaporates the water so to lock in the moisture, you need to moisturize within minutes. 
4. Wear Sunglasses By wearing sunglasses, it prevents undereye wrinkles that can appear in a later moment in your lifetime.  The skin around your eyes are the thinnest skin.  Everytime you blink or squink, you are straining them that much more, so protecting them with sunglasses is a definite must!
5. Water, Water, Water! Drinking water helps remove the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes.  It helps circulate the oxygen through the face and transports nutrient to the cells, which helps with dehydration on the skin. 
6. Don't Touch Your Face Constant touching and picking your face can attract unwanted oils and dirt from your hands to your face.  Picking can also damage the skin.  Even by pushing on a pimple causes inflammation while irratating it.  When trying to squeeze out a black head, you are sometimes more like to push it in further, causing oil glands to burst and creating more trauma to the skin.
7. Exfoliate When you exfoliate daily, it clears out dirt, oil, and dead skin which will shrink the pores and make them appear smaller. 


  1. Hi,
    While reading through your blog about tips on how to have clean, health skin I see things that I am not doing. I learned things that I did not know before. What I do that contradicts with my skin is that I do not sleep enough, I do not drink enough water and I often do pick and touch my face. These are three out of the 7 tips I do not do. I often find myself searching for ways to have clean and health skin. I buy all these different creams and ointments to help clear my skins but while reading this blog I find that it is natural things that will help my skin not different ointments that may harm my skin more. I also know that picking at my skin is not good and is damaging but I do find that as a habit that I must stop. To have health and clean skin I will take all your tips and follow them so I can get the best outcome. Thank You for the help with you tips!

  2. I really liked these tips because I have a little problem with my skin and I’m passed puberty! My skin is overly oily and I get pimples in the most embarrassing places! I see drinking water has a lot to do with having healthy skin and I do not drink water like I’m supposed too and I also touch my face more than I should. I too find myself searching how to get rid of oily skin because that’s the worst problem I have! With these tips, I will wash my face more than just when in the shower and drink more water. Some skin products work, but they’re too expensive to keep up and I need something that works because I’m tired of having my glasses slide down my nose. Starting in the morning, I will abide by these great tips and see how far it takes me and hopefully it works!
